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Aliya & Ameen


  • To provide your child a life filled with empathy, love and kindness.
  • To support your child so that they can be their best, true authentic selves.
  • To ensure your child always has space to have fun and explore.
  • For your child to know that you are part of their adoption story.


  • Adoption has always been our first choice when expanding our family. We have never felt the need for a biological connection with a child and have relatives that have adoptive children and believe that’s a beautiful way to grow our family.
  • We were introduced to each other by our close friends in 2010 and have been married for over a decade.
  • We are both established in our careers as software developers and work remotely from home.

Aliya is kind, empathetic, quirky and fun. She grew up in the lower mainland and studied computer science at university. Her parents are passionate about travelling, so she was able to visit many places around the world with her family from a young age. Aliya has always had a passion for art (drawing/painting) and music (plays the drums and guitar - with a focus on classic rock)


Ameen is a warm, welcoming and loving extrovert. He moved to Vancouver from the US with his family as a teenager and studied engineering at university. Ameen has always been athletic and enjoys playing basketball with friends and is currently learning Jiu Jitsu. Ameen is studying Machine Learning and loves to read.


Together we enjoy being active through cycling, weightlifting and random dance parties with each other at home. We enjoy exploring not only our city, but travelling and exploring different parts of the world together. We look forward to learning what excites and interests your child and making that part of our lives together.

Adoptive Parent Profile


Our immediate family consists of ourselves, Maya (cat) and Cassie (dog) who continuously teach us about love, patience and empathy.

  • Cassie is our very intelligent dog that we rescued who gets us to go for fun outdoor adventures and thrives on learning new things.
  • Maya is our sweet and cuddly cat who enjoys playing and stealing food off of our plates.

We both grew up in tight-knit families from the same community and have close relationships with our extended family. Furthermore, our friend circle consists of close friends who we regard as family.

Adoptive Parent Profile


We live in a diverse neighbourhood in Vancouver surrounded by community centres, parks, beaches, trails and schools. Our support system consists of our immediate and extended families who live nearby as well as close friends with young families.

Adoptive Parent Profile


We welcome any level of openness and would love for our adoptive child to have a relationship with their birth family. However, we respect whatever you are comfortable with and are willing to work with you and your comfort level.


Thank you for taking the time to consider us in your adoption journey.

Adoptive Parent Profile


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